Jasmin M

Year of Study: 2012
Subject Area: BTEC Business
"CTK really helped me to understand the importance of networking and developing my confidence."

About Jasmin M

Jasmin left in 2012 after completing her BTEC Business course. She went on to further study at Aston University, Brunel University and UCL, completing a BSc in Politics with International Relationships, an MA in Children, Youth and International Development, and finally a PGCE. She currently works as a Business Teacher. Jasmin described CTK as “a place of growth and exploring new opportunities”, and told us that her favourite aspect was “how supportive my teachers and the career staff members were.” She continued: “CTK really helped me to understand the importance of networking, developing my confidence and knowing where and how to get to my end goal. My classes were always interesting and engaging, and my course also provided many opportunities to experience business in the real world.”