Aliyah Olajobi

Year of Study: 2022
Subject Area: Biomedical Science
"After I finish my degree in Biomedical Science I am hoping to go on to study a Masters in Dietetics and Nutrition and become a Dietician."

About Aliyah Olajobi

Aliyah Olajobi studied BTEC Applied Science at Christ the King Sixth Forms.

I finished my studies at Christ The King in 2022, I then went on to study a BSc in Biomedical Science at University. I have just finished my penultimate year of my degree. After I finish my degree in Biomedical Science I am hoping to go on to study a Masters in Dietetics and Nutrition and become a Dietician. I would like to specialise as a Dietician helping people with fertility issues and reproductive disorders to improve their chances of starting a family through dietary changes.