Sean Cavill: Motion Graphic Designer found his passion for his industry at Christ the King

Sean Cavill is a successful Motion Graphic Designer who has worked on Sin City 2, Ghost in the Shell, and Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets.

He spoke to our Alumni Team about his beginnings studying A Levels in Graphic Design, Fine Art and Photography at Christ the King Sixth Form College, and the amazing career his qualifications led him to.

“I always knew I wanted to do something creative,” said Sean. “I took Art as a GCSE in secondary school and loved it, so I knew I wanted to continue studying some sort of art or design subject at CTK. I ended up studying three!

“My time at the college definitely shaped my career choice, as it introduced me to the world of Graphic Design. Without that I wouldn’t be where I am today,” he said.

Sean believes that his time at Christ the King has contributed a “great deal” to his success.

“Studying three creative courses at the same time was a challenge in terms of the work load, but each individual course helped expand my knowledge of art and design and it’s history as a whole,” he said. “The techniques I learnt and the space I was given to experiment with different materials and mediums helped me hone in on which step to take next.”

After graduating from Christ the King, Sean studied a Graphic Design Foundation Diploma at Ravensbourne, a dedicated digital and design college in London.

“After completing my foundation course I progressed to the BA (Hons) Motion Graphics course, graduating with a 2.1.” said Sean. “ As Ravensbourne has good industry links I actually started freelancing for various companies across London before I left, so I had that real world experience of working with clients.

“For the last four years I have been working full time as a Motion Graphic Designer at one of London’s leading communications agencies, working specifically on DVD/Blu-Ray home entertainment releases.

“Working solo on 3D releases for Sin City 2, Ghost in the Shell and more recently Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets have definitely been highlights,” he said. “It’s a challenge working on those big releases. The amount of back and forth between clients, producers and designers on such big releases is immense. There are so many things happening at once you have to be on the ball constantly, but knowing a client is happy with work you’ve done is a great feeling.

“My advice to others hoping to work in my industry is to work hard, be organised, always keep learning and remember its okay to make mistakes.

“My ultimate career goal is to take the skills I’ve learnt and form my own design studio at some point,” said Sean.