Ren Balogun: “My university experience has been a whirlwind of stress, exams, friendships, joy and discovery”

Ren studied her A Levels at Christ the King Sixth Form. She is now studying Sociology at the University of Bath and recently agreed to speak to our Alumni Team about life at university and her ambitious career plans.

“My university experience has been a whirlwind of stress, exams, friendships, joy and discovery,” said Ren. “Now being in my final year I can say I’ve had many highlights but mostly I’ve enjoyed discovering a passion that I can share with my lecturers and course mates. Being in a room with people who all enjoy what you love and want to explore, analyse and critique is amazing.”

Ren says that her biggest challenge has been “adapting to student life in a totally different city.”

She admitted: “initially it wasn’t easy, especially after living in a city so diverse as London, but I wouldn’t have had the most amazing four years of my life if I didn’t attend a campus university.”

Overall, Ren believes that her time at Christ the King helped her get where she is today.

“Not only did CTK help me get to where I am today,” she said, “but it helped me see the career destination I wanted at such an early stage of my academic life. My teacher, Sally Nadori, gave me the confidence to step out of my comfort zone and apply to a university that I didn’t know I was good enough for. For that I am eternally grateful! I wouldn’t be the curious and passionate academic that I am today if I had gone anywhere else.”

Ren has also been lucky enough to secure a graduate job. “It’s a graduate job in talent attraction at one of the fastest growing companies in Europe,” she said. “I hope to develop my marketing, events and recruitment skills within the business world after university.”

“My graduate scheme has ensured that I am fast tracked within a year of graduating. This means that in five years time I intend to be managing my own team within the talent acquisition field before returning to Higher Education to become a thought leader in my field of Sociology.”

Ren had some valuable advice to share with other students hoping to go to university:

“University is a big step but it is the best decision I ever made. The unknown can be daunting but university’s set up to ensure that you can reach your full potential. They give you the tools but it’s up to you to decide to use them. If you get the opportunity to attend university, make sure you commit to the entire university experience.”