Perpetual Chilaka: CTK helped me get into university to study Midwifery

Perpetual studied a Level 3 Extended Diploma in Health and Social Care at Christ the King Sixth Form College. She is currently at university studying Midwifery.

“My time at college has definitely helped me,” Perpetual told our Alumni Team. “My Extended Diploma in Health and Social Care taught me a lot about caring and communication in a Health and Social Care setting.

“I also learnt to be punctual for things because we weren’t allowed in lesson after ten minutes of lateness at CTK. Now I’m always on time for my lectures. My teachers at CTK were also very supportive. They helped me with anything I needed, which gave me more confidence in doing my work.”

BTECs are designed to give students practical, hands-on knowledge of a subject, which is assessed through coursework. They are very professionally focused, and great for students with a clear idea of what industry they have ambitions of working in. Unlike in the past, universities are increasingly accepting BTEC students onto their courses.

Perpetual is studying her BA (Hons) in Midwifery at Anglia Ruskin University.

“Now I use the knowledge I got from CTK at my university placement,” she said. “Next I hope to get a job in a good hospital in London as a Midwife and to eventually become a Consultant Midwife.

“By the grace of God, I hope to have my own maternal support clinic in Nigeria one day.”

We asked Perpetual if she had any advice for her fellow alumni:

“Stay focused and understand that university is not for everyone,” she said. “Study a course you enjoy and don’t get pulled into studying something because your friends are doing it or because your parents want you to do it. Don’t get carried away with the party life at uni, remember you came to get a degree not to party. Party small but read more; your degree is more important.”

Discover BTEC courses at CTK