Oxbridge and Medicine alumni advise students on university applications

For many young people, applying for an Oxbridge or Medicine degree can be a daunting experience. With well over 100,000 applications each year, these courses are among the most competitive in the country and have a highly selective admissions criteria. From personal statements and subject exams to individual and group interviews, the application process is rigorous and preparation is vital.

At Christ the King, staff recognise this and are dedicated to providing the highest level of support to prospective applicants. Students on the Advanced and Scholarship Graduate Programmes receive expert tuition on Oxbridge and Medicine applications and have access to an extensive range of events and resources throughout the year. From personal statement guidance and interview sessions to alumni evenings and university summer school placements, the College is committed to ensuring that students feel confident and well prepared in their progression to Higher Education.

Of particular value to prospective Oxbridge and Medicine applicants are the Christ the King Alumni evenings, which take place throughout the academic year. These events provide a valuable platform for discussion and introduce students to a diverse range of undergraduates and graduates.

The event provided a wonderful opportunity for our students. The informal setting put them in direct contact with knowledgeable alumni and offered a unique insight into the Oxbridge and Medicine application process.

Last week, at Christ the King College, staff were delighted to host an Oxbridge and Medicine alumni evening with five impressive panellists. The speakers, all of whom completed their A Levels at Christ the King, comprised:

  • Sam Holmes, a Cambridge graduate who now works for the Sutton Trust
  • Charles Olisanekwu, a Cambridge Law graduate who is now based in a city law firm
  • Eleanor Law, an Oxford Geography graduate who is working for a Member of the European Parliament
  • Chiamah Henry, a junior doctor in Brighton
  • Fausta Munyaneza, a medical student at University College London

After a series of introductory talks on Medicine and Oxbridge admissions, the panel introduced themselves and hosted an insightful Q&A session. This gave students a valuable opportunity to research topics including academic success, effective study skills, choosing a degree, applying to Medicine and taking a gap year.

After the Q&A, the alumni joined the audience for an informal reception, and advised students on their future aspirations. Their advice was invaluable and of great benefit to those considering Oxbridge and Medicine degrees.

“This event provided a wonderful opportunity for our students,” explained Mrs Sally Nadori, Head of Careers at Christ the King College. “The informal setting put them in direct contact with knowledgeable alumni and offered a unique insight into the Oxbridge and Medicine application process.”

The College would like to thank Sam, Charles, Eleanor, Chiamah and Fausta for their participation in the event, and their valuable contributions.