Former student shares her university experience

At Christ the King we’re delighted when our students make it to their dream university and can take their education to the next level.

Living away from home, meeting new people, managing your finances… university is a unique experience that can be daunting to say the least.

So how do our students fare? We spoke to Ire Enock-Fagbemi, a former CTK student who’s currently studying Social Work, to find out more about life at university and the differences to college.

Ire said:

“I’m currently in my final year of higher education, studying Social Work and enjoying it more now. It’s more practical which gives you a great insight into the profession – I will definitely be going into the child protection sector of Social Work.

“I moved away from home for my first two years of study which was very different, but I’m now commuting as it saves me more money. The difference between sixth form and university is huge; you are very independent in university, you have to work hard from the beginning to achieve the best and if you don’t there isn’t a teacher in your ear pushing or spoon feeding you.

“Your writing ability and work ethic has to be so much more too. I thought I was at an advantage at university because my college subjects involved a lot of essays but following the same writing and studying skills will only take you so far. I wasn’t prepared for this, I had to work hard to achieve the high grades I am now able to obtain at university.

“I definitely miss Christ the King. I miss the atmosphere and the teachers, you definitely don’t realise whilst you’re there that you need to enjoy it and take advantage of it because higher education is a whole different ball game.

“My advice for other CTK students thinking about going to university is to make the most of the staff and resources at the College. It’s important to know what course to choose and to have an interest in it, as well as preparing properly for university.”