Christine On: Former student tells all about succeeding at university

After completing her A Levels at Christ the King Sixth Form College, Christine On was offered a place at the University of Westminster to study Biochemistry.

Here’s what she had to say to our Alumni Team about life at university, her plan for the future, and how CTK pushed her to succeed in her ambitions.

“The teachers at CTK really pushed me,” said Christine. “It motivated me to believe in myself and treat the courses with respect.”

Christine took A Levels in Double Applied Science, Textiles and Fine Art at CTK.

“I did do really well in my first year of university as a result of my time at CTK,” she said. “I got all As and Bs. The key is to do work as soon as work hits you in the face, because before you know it, work will pile onto you.”

This is an important lesson that Christine has taken with her to university, where the workload increases, as does the need to study independently and take responsibility for your own deadlines.

“Learning new things on my own has been a challenge,” said Christine “A lot is already expected from you, but it’s not impossible. Other things that take some getting used to are the pressure of organization and the chores of adult life to look after yourself. It’s the transition from teen to adult life and living on your own.”

However, the challenges have certainly not outweighed the positives Christine has found at university.

“The highlights for me have been new friends, new experiences, widening my horizons and getting wiser,” she said. “I have just finished my last exam and I worked really hard and was really determined.

So, what’s next for Christine?

“After university I want to become a cosmetic chemist and develop my own cosmetics brand,” she said.

Finally, we asked Christine if she had any advice for CTK students about to embark on university life:

“Really look forward to it, treat work with respect, have your fun at fresher’s week, but not any longer than that,” she said. “I did that and nearly slipped as it all chain reacts. At the end of the day it’s all about the most determination to smash uni!”