Blanche Kadjo: Dental student wants to provide dental work in rural Africa 

Blanche studied her A levels at Christ the King. Her qualifications allowed her to get into university, where she is now pursuing her dream of becoming a dentist and providing dental work to rural areas in Africa. 

Blanche told our Alumni Team about how her time at Christ the King helped her get where she is today. She is currently studying Dentistry at Peninsula Dental School and well on her way to achieving her ambitions.  

“Thanks to college, I was able to get to my career path with the help of my teachers,” said Blanche. “I didn’t think I could achieve the position that I am in today without them.” 

Blanche also spoke about the specific skills that her time at college helped her to develop, which really helped her at university. 

“I was able to profoundly build my communication skills and confidence which has helped me become a great clinician so early on in university,” she said.  

Speaking about the highlights and challenges of university life, Blanche said: “One highlight has been meeting people from all different backgrounds. I’ve worked with a wide range of patients whilst solving new and interesting dental problems everyday.” Blanche gets to learn hands-on dentistry skills that will help her in her career in a real work setting, something that will greatly prepare her for the challenges ahead. 

“One challenge of university has been balancing my finances and social life,” said Blanche. “But it’s important to enjoy your time at university, its like no other experience you’ll ever have.” 

She also had some words of wisdom to share with other students at Christ the King hoping to follow a similar career path after their A levels. 

“Be outgoing and meet new people to share your life skills with,” she said. “Work hard to get  the university place you want. It’s worth it.” 

Blanche is currently finishing her university Dentistry course and is planning on travelling to the Cote D’Ivoire area of rural Africa to provide dental services. She eventually wants to become a full-time Minor Oral Surgeon in a hospital.