Zhen Choo Huang: Former learner shares her university experience

After passing her A Levels in Computing, Media Studies and Photography at Christ the King Sixth Form College, Zhen was accepted onto her current BA (Hons) degree in Communication and Media Studies at Nottingham Trent University.

Here’s what she had to say about how college helped her achieve her educational ambitions, and what life has been like since starting her university course.

“It has been a great challenge transitioning from Christ the King to university,” Zhen told our Alumni Team, “particularly the workload, but joining the Nottingham Trent University community and meeting various people of similar minds and ambitions has been a huge highlight.”

“My time at college has definitely helped me get where I am,” she said. “For example, the technological skills that I learnt as part of my A-Level courses – Computing, Media, Photography – have been important for doing well with my work at uni.”

Zhen started her course at university in December 2015. Now in her second year, she has thrown herself into university life, becoming an active member of activities and societies such as Jiu Jitsu and Trent TV, an award-winning student-led TV Station.

Our motivated former learner has ambitions of working in Broadcast Media after university, but is keeping her options open: “In five years’ time I want to hopefully be in a stable job that I love doing.”

If Zhen’s attitude towards her own education and dedication to extra-curricular activities are anything to go by, we’re sure she’ll go far.

Finally, we asked Zhen if she has learnt any advice about university that she would like to pass on to her fellow alumni: “This may seem obvious advice,” she said, “but seriously work hard for your goals because at this point in your life you’re at a fork in the road where everything can change.”