Unsure what to do post-uni? Try these CV-friendly options

It’s nearly that time of year when young people nationwide pack up their bags, buy some pots and pans, say some teary goodbyes, and head off to university. But what if you’ve finished uni and don’t quite know what to do next? Don’t worry, try these CV-friendly ideas that might just kick-start an amazing career.

Work abroad

Don’t worry if you didn’t find your true calling while at university, it’s all about trying new things and finding out what you really enjoy. And what better way to do this than by heading abroad?

Far-flung places like Australia and New Zealand offer working holiday visas to under 30s, while there are plenty of British travel companies looking for enthusiastic hotel staff or holiday reps.

Volunteer on a gap year

Not quite as lucrative as working abroad (in some cases you’ll even have to shell out for the privilege) but volunteering abroad is a rewarding, humbling experience that looks great on your CV.

There are plenty of volunteer schemes out there so it can be hard to know where to start. Research thoroughly to make sure the scheme you choose is actually making a difference – there some that are in it for the money.

If you’d like to volunteer a little closer to home, find out about getting involved with The College. You’ll be helping our current students and adding another impressive point to your CV.

Apply for a graduate scheme

A lot of graduate schemes are starting around now, meaning you’ve rather missed the boat this year. But don’t worry! The recruitment process for next year’s schemes will be starting soon, giving you plenty of time to craft a fantastic application.

If you know the industry you might like to go into, it’s worth researching any graduate schemes or internship opportunities starting soon. These will give you an idea of what to expect from a career in this industry, as well as invaluable experience to put on your CV.

Continue your education

We know you might not want to hear this right now, but continuing your education is always an option. You may not want to go embark on a full Master’s Degree course, or indeed have the means to pay for one, but that’s not your only option. There are plenty of courses and qualifications that are not a great addition to your CV, but are often great value for money.

There are plenty of these types of courses available at the college, so check out our course pages here:

CTK Aquinas Courses

CTK Emmanuel Courses

CTK St Mary’s Courses

Get some work experience

Not quite as intense as a graduate scheme, a work experience placement is a great way of ‘testing the water’ of a certain industry, not to mention being another addition to your CV.

Work placements are generally only a week or two and are almost always unpaid, so don’t be afraid to send speculative emails to businesses you’re interested in asking if you can come in. A lot of the time they’ll welcome the helping hand.