Taking on a work experience student

We want you to host one of our 16-18 year old students for 2-5 days in your workplace. They will be studying a subject relevant to your industry and need to get a better idea of what the work environment is like. Here are a few details to make it as easy as possible.

What does it involve exactly?

You can either give them tasks to do, such as the examples below, or allow them to shadow you or one of your employees.

What is work shadowing?

This is where you allow a student to observe you at your job so they can see what the role is like.

What tasks can you give to a work experience student?

The tasks depend on the industry, but here are a few general ideas:

Administrative tasks like typing and filing
Data entry or updating records
Answering the phone
Taking notes at meetings
Customer satisfaction surveys
Writing for the company blog
Designing and formatting publications
Creating social media posts

If you’d like some suggestions for your particular industry, just reply to this email and we’ll get back to you asap.

What industries are we looking for in particular?

We need to find work experience placements for every single one of our students, so you can imagine it’s a big task. We’d appreciate your help with the following industries in particular – Business, Engineering, Science, Art, Sports – but need offers in as many different industries as possible!

If this sounds like a possibility for your company, please let us know using the short form below – you’ll fill out a few details about your company and suggest a few dates.

Get the ball rolling

Don’t worry, it’s not a set-in-stone commitment, just let us know it’s a possibility.

Thank you,

The Alumni Team