Jobs you can do from anywhere in the world

Fancy working from home? Or perhaps from a chic café in Paris? Or a hammock on a desert island? Providing your desert island has a good Wi-Fi connection, this could be possible.

Remote working is on the rise. In 2016, nearly 4.2million people in the UK worked from home. Thanks to advances in technology, the workplace is becoming more and more digitalised. Employers are recognising that if they want to attract and retain the best talent, giving the option for more flexible hours and location can be a great incentive. Recent studies have shown that working remotely can increase productivity and reduce stress, contrary to the popular belief that working from home is an excuse to sit on the sofa pinging out the occasional email to look busy.

“A remote job also allows staff to better balance their personal commitments and interests, such as childcare, relationships, and hobbies, all of which are key to improved wellbeing,” says, the specialist intranet provider for businesses. This leads to greater work/life balance and life satisfaction and ultimately, happier workers.

As well as greater employee productivity, health and life satisfaction, remote working can bring other huge benefits to companies, such as:

Reducing the costs of office space
The opportunity to hire talent from all over the world
Reduced employee turnover
Fewer days off for illness and childcare
Employees may be more likely to work longer hours due to a reduced commute time
And it’s more eco-friendly without the daily commute

Of course, some industries lend themselves better to remote working. The Tech industry can provide more opportunities for working anywhere with an internet connection. Developers and programmers may even benefit more from working in distraction-free environments due to the long periods of focus their work often requires.

Get a qualification in the tech industry 

Any job that requires you to sit in front of a computer could, in theory, be done remotely. Graphic designers, freelance writers, virtual assistants, accountants, account managers, salespersons, social media marketers and researchers can all work from home.

And your options aren’t limited to computer-based jobs. We’ve come up with a few suggestions of jobs that could take you anywhere in the world – that don’t even require a desk.

Hair, Beauty and Fitness – Are you already qualified as a hairdresser, masseuse, makeup artist, personal trainer or any other holistic profession? Then your skills are needed all over the world. You could be a freelance mobile beauty therapist,  get a job in a luxury holiday resort, or seek out a company that works on projects like fashion shoots or film sets in exotic locations.

Don’t have a Hair, Beauty or Fitness qualification yet? You can get one here.

Electrician, Plumber, Mechanic – or any other practical profession that requires you to work in different locations. Not only are your skills invaluable anywhere in the world, you may be able to find your own work, choose your own hours and be well-paid – especially if you have advanced or niche skills that make you in-demand.

Explore our practical qualifications 

Health and medical – doctors, nurses, therapists, dentists and vets are in demand throughout the world and are listed in immigration priorities for many countries. You could even consider volunteering to work overseas for an exciting opportunity to make a real difference. Or you could get a well-paid job in places like Canada, Dubai, Australia, or New Zealand. The possibilities are endless.

Healthcare courses at Christ the King Sixth Form College