Christ the King staff and students making the national press

If you’ve been reading the likes of the Guardian or the Independent newspapers recently, you may have come across some familiar faces.

Over the last few weeks our students and staff have been making the national press for all sorts of fantastic reasons.

Whether celebrating our students’ recent A Level success, highlighting the alternative routes to university that some have taken, or featuring wise words from our Vice Principal, the coverage demonstrates the spectacular achievements of our staff and students.

A Level success

With an A Level pass rate of 98.3% – above the national average of 98.1% – it’s little wonder our students featured so heavily in this year’s national results coverage.

The Guardian donated the most coverage to our students, featuring a number of pictures both online and in print. As well as the usual jubilant images of students celebrating their results, the paper featured a more nervous shot of those awaiting their results.

Yet as the caption pointed out, with such a high pass rate “they had nothing to look so worried about.”

There was also local coverage, with News Shopper featuring a quote from our Principal, Dr Jane Overbury OBE: “This is really phenomenal achievement – and I salute our young people for their hard work and dedication, and of course our fantastic teaching staff, too.”

On the way to university

Our A Level students use their time at Christ the King as a springboard for success, going on to elite universities across the country. Yet it’s not just those with A Levels who are taking their education higher, as The Voice Online highlighted recently.

The publication featured a story on Christ the King student Sarah Oluwapelumi Babs-Apata, who studied an Engineering BTEC with us. She’s now off to study Civil Engineering with Architecture at Leeds University, having achieved a triple distinction on her BTEC course.

“A lot of people, especially my family, thought that as I’m a very academic person I should do A Levels in sciences or the law… but BTECs are really under-rated. People don’t know how beneficial the course is,” she told The Voice Online.

“In my BTEC I studied physics, maths and further maths along with engineering. The course gave me the foundation of knowledge to really progress in this field.”

Read the full story here.

Alternative routes to success

For A Level students up and down the country, Clearing is seen as a scary situation to be avoided at all possible. But as the Independent on Sunday pointed out, along with help from our Mr Rob McAuliffe, the Clearing process can lead to very positive outcomes.

“Departing from the traditional university narrative might lead to a place on a competitive course… Our students have gone on to places where they’ve really thrived via Clearing, to study competitive courses like law and economics,” he told the paper.

Well said, Mr McAuliffe A big congratulations to all staff and students who’ve been featured in the press recently, you’re flying the flag for Christ the King and showing just how great everyone connected with the College can be!