Career Guide: Exciting jobs in IT and Computing

The technology industry is growing at a faster rate than almost any other. In the UK, technology businesses are growing 2x faster than non-digital businesses and in London, a new technology business is born on average every single hour. The demand for jobseekers with IT and Computing skills is growing – but what kinds of opportunities are out there?

If you already have an IT or Computing qualification or are thinking of getting one, prepare to be inspired.

Exciting opportunities in IT and Computing

Here are just some examples of the most in-demand roles for those with IT and Computing-related qualifications.

Data Scientist

Data Scientists are responsible for collecting, analysing and interpreting huge sets of data in order to develop data-driven solutions to business challenges. The role often requires you to be able to work with statistics, machine learning, coding languages, databases and reporting technologies. Businesses are constantly collecting large amounts of data as part of their everyday operations and it is the role of the Data Scientist to turn this into insights that meet the needs of the business and the customers.

Software Engineer

The field of software engineering involves writing, debugging, maintaining and testing software that tells computers to perform certain tasks. In order to communicate with the computers, Software Engineers need to learn one or several programming languages, such as Java or Python. The world of software engineering is constantly evolving as technology advances, so you would have to constantly update your skills to work in this field. It’s an opportunity to be at the forefront of technology, but takes a lot of commitment and hard work. Software Engineering is a fairly broad term. A Software Engineer is likely to specialise in one or more areas, all of which come with their own languages to learn, such as:

Applications Development – this involves developing non-Web-based development and problem solving, using programming languages such as Java and C#.

Systems Development – this involves designing and coding software that supports application development, using languages such as C+ and C++.

Web Development – this involves designing software or applications that run in a Web browser, using languages such as HTML, JavaScript and PHP.

Embedded Systems Development – this involves designing computer systems and software for non-computing devices and the auto industry, using languages such as C or other assembly languages.

Video Game Designers / Developers

Video game designers or developers create games for consoles, wireless applications, the internet or mobile phones. The Designers focus on the concept of the game and the Developers write the actual code. The roles typically involve coming up with new game ideas, storylines, characters, maps, scenarios and levels, and developing user interfaces such as menus and controls. Specialist roles within the video game field include:

Lead Designers – who co-ordinate design aspects

Game Mechanics – who work on the balance of the game and it’s rule system

Environmental Designers – who create scenarios and environments

IT Security Specialist

The role of an IT Security Specialist is to protect the IT systems, networks and data of companies or organisations against cyber crime. Roles include:

IT Security Analysts – responsible for analysing potential security risks and putting preventative measures in place such as firewalls and encryption.

Penetration Testers/Ethical Hackers– this role involves deliberately trying to hack systems on behalf of an organisation in order to expose weaknesses. This could include trying to access information without passwords or bypassing security measures and then reporting their findings.

Computer Forensics – this involves analysing incidents of cyber crime, whilst working with the private and public sector as well as law enforcement. Computer Forensic work can involve recovering deleted files, analysing phone records, pursuing criminals via data trails and giving evidence in court.

Find out more about IT and Computing with Christ the King Sixth Form College