4 simple but effective career tips for 2019 

Get a side hustle  

More and more people are turning to side hustles in order to increase their earnings. In 2018, 40% of UK workers had a side project, business or part-time job on top of their regular 9 to 5 job. New research has predicted that by 2030 this will have increased to half of the population. Why are UK workers increasingly turning to side hustles to supplement their income? As well as needing extra money to pay the bills, some are turning to side hustles because they want the challenge, or are not feeling fulfilled by their day jobs. Others feel it is the best path to becoming a successful entrepreneur, and they might be right. A study of over 600 millionaires found that most follow a similar path to financial wealth and independence, involving spending below their means, finding a side hustle and eventually becoming self-employed. 

Network more 

The rise of automated job searching means you need to do even more to stand out from the crowd if you’re looking for a new role this year. One way to give your applications the personal touch is to accompany it with an excellent referral from someone influential in your industry, or simply from someone who already works at the company you’re applying to. Networking is a key strategy for getting referrals.  

Read our latest networking advice here 

Do a short course 

Technology is advancing exponentially and this is causing dramatic changes in every aspect of our lives, including the workplace. 

As jobs involving routine tasks that can be easily automated by technology are on the decline, this is increasing the need for workers to up-skill to perform jobs that require greater expertise. At the same time, jobs that need more cognitive skill and creativity are growing in number – this is great news for the lifelong learners amongst us. 

Learning throughout your career can put you in an excellent position to fill skills gap in the marketplace. A 2013 study indicated that 85% of hiring managers said applicants don’t have the skills they’re looking for, so adding to your qualifications can put you at an immediate advantage. What’s more, you don’t have to go back to full-time education to do it.

Taking supplementary courses can also keep you up-to-date with advances in your industry and ensure you can outrun competition from recent graduates, as well as motivate you to take a renewed interest in your work. Trying something new can also expand your horizons in other ways – you could be inspired to change your career altogether! 

Improve your work/life balance  

Work/life balance is essential to your physical and mental health. Make 2019 the year that you start placing equal importance on your career and your life outside of it. Not only will your mind and body thank you for it, but it could also benefit your working life too. Increased happiness outside of work and greater physical and mental health has a knock-on effect on feeling fulfilled at work, your concentration and your motivation.

Read our tips for improving your work/life balance.