Peter U-P

Subject Area: A levels
"CTK has been instrumental in equipping me with a range of skills and experiences that I draw upon every day."

About Peter U-P

Peter studied A Levels in Law, Business Studies, English Literature and Language & Religious Studies (AS). Discussing his fondest memory from his time at CTK, he explained, “Atmosphere and community aside it’s hard to choose between, winning an award as while acting as co-managing director during the Young Enterprise, participating in the Bar Mock Trial, or getting to travel to New York. “After college, I took on a range of roles and went into management. Also got the opportunity to launch a podcast brand with some friends. This recently led to an opportunity to perform my first live podcast at MCM Comic Con London. We asked Peter about his plans for the near future. He told us, “I completed a TEFL course with the aim to travel to Japan to teach English, however, Covid happened and I had to pivot. Who knows what tomorrow holds, but in the meantime, it’s given me a good excuse to focus on my podcast brand. Of his time at CTK, Peter says, “I believe college has been instrumental in equipping me with a range of skills and experiences that I draw upon every day. From presenting and public speaking, to management and networking skills. These were all born from my time at Christ The King.”