Erin Louisa Watkins

Year of Study: 2015
Subject Area: A levels
"CTK is a relaxed place where students and their learning are the main focus of all staff."

About Erin Louisa Watkins

Erin studied Psychology, ICT & Music Technology A’Levels. She went on to study Psychology at Greenwich University and now works as for the Civil Service in Social Research Fast Stream. Of her different subjects at CTK, she told us: “Psychology: this was the main reason I study psychology now at university. It was a well organised course and showed the range of subjects within psychology. Music Technology: my teacher, Mr Hirst, made all lessons interesting and fun. He was always on hand to help when you needed it. ICT: I loved the real life applications of the course, like managing a project.” Overall, Erin’s fondest memory was winning an award for Music Technology.