Yvette Ndede: BTEC Health and Social Care student is studying Adult Nursing at University

Yvette attended Christ the King Sixth Form College to study for her BTEC Level 3 in Health and Social Care. She is now studying Adult Nursing and is well on her way to achieving her ambition of becoming a turning her passion for helping people into a lifelong career.

She spoke to our Alumni team about university life.

“The best part about university is making new friends for life,” she said. “I have also learnt that life I not a race. Work at your own pace, and enjoy yourself!”

Yvette admits that she has found studying nursing at university challenging, but the hard work is all worth it.

She recently took part in a work placement, and told us: “I had a difficult mentor, and tackling the essay and the 30 hours a week schedule was challenging, but I got to be a part of changing people’s lives.”

Her time at CTK prepared her for the challenges of university

“My time at college really helped,” she said. “My Health and Social Care teachers helped support me in my application to Adult Nursing at Anglia Ruskin University Cambridge, where I am now studying. They gave me the right advice as applying for nursing was not easy.

“The skill that I have used in my course the most is how to communicate effectively with patients which was one of our modules at college.”

So, what’s next for Yvette?

“Once I have completed my university degree, I have been offered a job on the ward I worked in for my placement. If I decide to stay in Cambridge I could do that, but I am looking into going to work in Canada,” she said.

“In five years’ time I want to be a specialised nurse, or perhaps I will finish a degree in medicine.”