Tasha D’Aguiar: Art graduate shares her experiences of being an Art Psychotherapist

Tasha studied Art and Design at Christ the King Sixth Form. Here she talks to our Alumni Team about how her career journey took her to her current role as an Art Psychotherapist in Primary and Secondary Schools.

“My time at Christ the King really helped me because it made me really focus on my Art which was and still is a huge passion of mine,” said Tasha.

“I always knew I wanted a career using my art skills and I wanted to help people but working within the contemporary art world didn’t seem enough for me. I decided to marry the two and found Art Psychotherapy.”

Tasha explained what working as an Art Psychotherapist is like.

“My main responsibilities are supporting the mental health and well being of children and young people in the context of school,” she said. “I do this by providing individual therapy sessions for a period of time, allowing them to explore what is going on for them verbally and through the use of art-making in a safe and contained way. I work closely with safeguarding and child protection officers, social workers, CAMHS and counsellors in making sure each young person has all the support available.”

Working in such an environment has allowed Tasha to have some particularly rewarding experiences.

“When young people tell me I have made a real difference in their lives it’s a huge highlight” said Tasha. “That without our therapy sessions they could have taken their own life. It is a really powerful profession with a lot of responsibility.”

Of course Tasha has to deal with some challenging situations as part of her work.

“Similar to the above, when a young person says they are suicidal or when a child is going through physical, sexual or emotional abuse. Most days are a challenge! But I feel like I’m making a positive difference.”

For Tasha it is all worth it, and the positives far outweigh the challenges of her work.

“The hard work getting there is really worth it! It’ll be a long journey, 6 years in education in order to qualify, but the rewards are endless when kids tell you that you have helped them through a rough patch.”