Student campaigner Bintu Foday shares her story

Having completed her studies at Christ the King Sixth Form College in 2010, Economics, Mathematics, Sociology and Religious Studies student Bintu Foday went on to East Anglia University where she pursued her love of politics.

Even during her time at Christ the King, Bintu was very politically active, taking part in student movements and going to the NUS National Conference during her AS year. Here, she tells us about her time since leaving Christ the King.

Bintu, tell us about your role as Community and Students Rights Officer at UEA Students’ Union

I am one of four Executive Directors of the University of East Anglia Students Union, as the Community and Student Rights Officer I am responsible for the welfare of more than 17,000 students.

I represent students on University committees and work with the Norwich community to improve the relationship between the community and students. I enjoy my job because I am always doing something which will benefit students and the wider community.

What have been the most exciting or rewarding moments of your career so far?

Working with a diverse student body.

What professional achievement are you most proud of?

Winning the election to do the job I am currently doing. As my current role is a political one, I had to be elected by the student body to be in the position I currently hold; I ran against eight candidates and my hard work and passion for the role paid off.

How did your time at Christ the King Sixth Form College influence your career path?

I have always been very active from secondary school, and moving to Christ the King helped me develop more passion to work on student movements. I went to my first NUS National Conference when I was in doing my AS Levels and represented the college at different events.

I was also heavily involved in Young Enterprise during my time at college and I kept on doing that even at university. Life at CTK definitely influenced my career path.

Do you have any hopes and dreams you wish to achieve in the near future?

Definitely! I have enjoyed working in the student movement but I want to go on to do masters so that I can achieve my career goals.

I have secured a place to do a Master’s at UEA; I did an Accountancy Degree but I have always had the passion to work in International Development so I am off in September to do a Master’s in Business, Globalisation and Sustainable Development. I believe that this and my degree in Accountancy will enable me to pursue my dream career.

What are your fondest memories from the time you attended Christ the King Sixth Form College?

The sense of community in the college and most importantly the teachers, I still miss my teachers and I do still keep in contact and visit occasionally.

If you could give your fellow alumni any advice, what would it be?

Be yourself and always work hard to achieve your dreams because they don’t just happen by doing nothing. But most importantly believe in yourself and don’t let anyone put you down.