Stephanie Boxall: From CTK to the USA

Stephanie Boxall studied AVCEs in Science and French at Christ the King, graduating in 2005, and has gone on to find success in everything she’s tried since.

After finishing at Christ the King Stephanie went straight on to university, pursuing her dream of working as a nurse.

She’s now working as a renal nurse in the US, living the American dream in her perfect occupation, so we caught up with her to find out all about her career so far – and how Christ the King played an important part.

Hi Stephanie, what’s involved in being a renal nurse?

My main responsibilities are looking after acute and chronic patients with kidney disease, which may include haemodialysis. This includes personal care, medications, vital signs, multidisciplinary and inter-professional referrals.

What have been your proudest achievements so far?

My proudest personal achievements since finishing college were finishing university, getting a job at my first and only choice, and going on to become a renal nurse.

What’s next for you in your career and life?

I just moved to the US so I’m looking forward to carrying on with my renal nursing. I would love to achieve a happy and content married life, and life in general. And last but not least, I would love to have children one day.

What are your fondest memories from the time you attended College? Does one memory in particular stand out?

I particularly enjoyed my French class trip to France.

AVCE Science classes were very interesting to say the least… us students were an interesting and funny bunch which made classes lively. I enjoyed my teachers too, as they helped me a lot.

If you could give our students any advice, what would it be?

Take your courses seriously but know when to also have fun and enjoy yourself. Make likeminded friends who will help you through college. And make good use of the teachers, they are invaluable!