Stephanie Anning: Former student plans for a family and a career

Stephanie Anning took AVCE Science and AS French at Christ the King Sixth Form College. After graduation, she went on to study her Adult Nursing degree at Kingston University. She is now a nurse for the NHS.

Currently taking a break from her career to start a family, Stephanie spoke to our Alumni team about her future career plans.

“My fondest memory of Christ the King was the time I spent with my friends in Café Trios nearby,” said Stephanie.

“I feel that my time at college also helped me get where I am today in my education and my career because I had teachers who were willing to help me fully grasp and understand the subjects I was undertaking. The communication skills I gained there have also helped me a lot since leaving.

“After Christ the King I went on the study Adult Nursing at Kingston University,” said Stephanie. “I graduated in 2009 before starting a career in the NHS in the Renal Unit.”

Stephanie is currently staying at home to care for her new baby, but she plans to return to the nursing profession.

“I don’t know if I will do any further studying, but I will definitely continue to work – once I get back out there.”

“In five years’ time I want to be still working as a nurse, with a slightly bigger family, living in a nice home and doing well for ourselves,” she said.