Former students preparing for life as a junior doctor

Christ the King Sixth Form College has a history of preparing budding doctors for the gruelling challenge of medical school.

Time, dedication and lots of hard work are needed to complete medical training – just ask former CTK student Zainab “ZeeZee” Sanusi.

Zainab graduated from Christ the King in 2008 and is in her final year of medicine at King’s College London, hoping to qualify as a doctor this summer. We caught up with her to find out about her experiences in medicine so far, and her hopes and dreams for her burgeoning career.

Zainab, you’re in your final year of medical training. How is everything going?

This year involves bringing together the clinical knowledge that has been acquired and putting into practice in real scenarios and with real patients.

Whilst consolidating clinical knowledge, another aspect of the final year is learning how to be an efficient junior doctor.

What have been the most exciting or rewarding moments of your career so far?

Well, my career hasn’t really started as yet but I was really proud of attaining an Intercalated BSc in Global Health in 2012 (in Medicine you can choose to study a BSc in one year).

I particularly enjoyed the exposure to social sciences and an insight to healthcare abroad. Generally being at university has been great – I have enjoyed absolutely every moment, and it has actually been great to have been a student for so long.

What professional achievement are you most proud of?

For now it has got be to both getting onto the Medicine degree program at King’s and acquiring my BSc in Global Health. Hopefully this summer I can add attaining my medical degree as one of my professional achievements.

What has been the greatest challenge you have faced during your career?

Being a student for so long! Racking up further debts, whilst seeing my friends with new jobs, cars, houses and children!

How did your time at Christ the King Sixth Form College influence your career path?

CTK gave me the guidance I needed for a successful medical application. As well as providing me with advice and assistance, they helped me to secure work experience and voluntary work.

What’s next for you in your career and life? Do you have any hopes and dreams you wish to achieve in the future?

Working as a doctor! I should qualify in July 2014 (fingers crossed) and start working as a Junior Doctor. At some point in the not-so-distant future I plan to specialise in one area of medicine and one day be a Consultant.

What are your fondest memories from the time you attended Christ the King Sixth Form College?

Hanging around with my friends in the Diner at lunchtime. We’d play cards, catch up on the latest gossip, and eat cake – being such a large college, it seemed there was a birthday almost every day!

If you could give your fellow alumni any advice, what would it be?

Work hard, go for whatever you passion is, and whenever it gets tough try to keep focused on all the positives!