Bolanle Adeoshun: Former student shares some great advice about working in the media industry

Bolanle studied A levels in Media Studies, Graphic Communication and Psychology at Christ the King Sixth Form. 

Here’s what she had to say to our Alumni team about her experiences of college and forging her exciting career in production management.

“I had always been passionate about media and the TV/Film industry right from when I was choosing GCSEs” she said. “So choosing A Level media really helped to steer me in the right direction in terms of researching possible steps and routes I could take to beginning a career in media production.

“At CTK I met like minded individuals who I ended up going to the same media university with. We were able to share each others experience which made the transition from college to uni less scary. 

“After graduating from uni I worked at Apple for just over a year while I applied for various TV jobs. I eventually landed the role with Sandstone Global Productions. My current role is an entry level role in the TV industry.

“My career goal is to be a Production Manager in the TV industry – I feel like I’m on the right track now.

“My advice to others trying to work in the media industry is to not give up,” said Bolanle. “I know it sounds very cliche but the industry is very competitive.

“You’ve got to be sure you’ve got something that shows you’re passionate about the industry and stand out from everyone else. The skill that has been particularly useful from college is collaboration and the ability to network with new people,” she said.

“While I was at uni I started my own photography and videography Instagram page and a website of projects I did on the side. When it came to interviews I could talk about all the freelance work I’ve done and additional skills that I learnt through doing so.

“If it’s starting a YT channel, photography, podcasting, blogging and so on, be sure it’s something that truly shows off your talents. Social media can be very positive if used correctly, so if you can start from now, you open yourself to much more opportunities by the time you’re ready to work in the industry.”

Thanks for the amazing advice, Bolanle!