Alumnus interview: Fallon Alexis

Fallon Alexis has come a long way since her time at Christ the King Sixth Form College, where she studied A-Levels in Law, Geography and English.

Having finished a CTK in 2002, she pursued a career in law and went to Brunel University where she graduated with a first class degree in Law in 2006. After gaining a year’s work experience in the legal field and squeezing in a bit of travelling, Fallon’s career has gone from strength.

She is now a Barrister at QEB Hollis Whiteman Chambers, defending and prosecuting individuals at both Magistrates and Crown Court. She’s also played an important part in a number of high profile cases, securing her reputation as a highly skilled legal expert.

Fallon, what have been the most exciting or rewarding moments of your career so far?

A client I represented alone being found not guilty at the Old Bailey, following a detailed cross examination of a police officer.

What professional achievement are you most proud of?

Being provided with an opportunity early on in my career to represent a high profile client duration a lengthy trial at the Old Bailey.

What has been the greatest challenge you have faced during your career?

Gaining a pupillage

How did your time at Christ the King Sixth Form College influence your career path?

Having law as an option at A-levels was a great help for me.

What are your proudest personal achievements?

Danced in the London 2012 Olympic closing ceremony.

What’s next for you in your career and life?

To continue to work on intellectually stimulating criminal and regulatory cases.

What are your fondest memories from the time you attended Christ the King Sixth Form College?

All the great friends I made. Having tutors and staff that really cared about my work – some of whom I am still in touch with today.

If you could give your fellow alumni any advice, what would it be?

Don’t give up. Keep focused. Pursue your dreams. Be Realistic. Work hard.