Alumnus interview: Clare Woodcock

Students from Christ the King Sixth Form College go on to have careers in all manner of industries, often taking a completely different path from the one they set out on.

We spoke to Clare Woodcock, who left CTK in 2005 after studying A-Levels in Geography, French, Music and Maths, to find out where her career has taken her.

Hi Clare, where are you working at the moment?

I’m currently working for TfL as a Principle Delivery Planner, ensuring the delivery of TfL’s commitments made in response to the Roads Task Force Report.

This involves leading the development and implementation of a process which will enable the business to categorise the existing road network into designated street types which will advise future road design.

Tell us about your career so far

After leaving Christ the King I studied for my undergraduate degree at King’s College London studying Geography, achieving a 2:1. In 2009 I started working at Transport for London (TfL), on the Transport Planning Graduate Scheme. This was a two-year scheme where I completed four six-month placements across the business.

A highlight of the graduate scheme was working in the Olympic planning team where I helped to design the Olympic Route Network – put in place to ensure athletes and media were able to travel between their hotels and the Olympic venues within designated journey times. I have stayed at TfL since finishing the grad scheme, working in a number of different teams.

What have been the most exciting or rewarding moments of your career so far?

Getting a place on the transport planning graduate scheme; achieving distinction in my MSc; presenting the research from my dissertation to industry professionals; securing interesting roles since finishing the graduate scheme.

What are your proudest personal achievements?

My son and owning my own house.

What’s next for you in your career and life? Do you have any hopes and dreams you wish to achieve in the near future?

I want to continue to enjoy a rewarding and successful career. I would like to reach senior management level at TfL.

What are your fondest memories from the time you attended Christ the King Sixth Form College?

Geography lessons with Mrs Richardson and Mr Fagan, and making friends that I’ll have for life.

If you could give your fellow alumni any words of wisdom, what would they be?

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” Mark Twain