Alumnus interview: Bakita Kasadha

Bakita Kasadha graduated from Christ the King in 2008, having studied A-Levels in English Literature, Psychology and Economics.

Since leaving the College Bakita has gone on to bigger and better things, throwing herself into charity and Student Union work while at university. We spoke to her to find out what exactly sh’s been up to since her time at Christ the King.

Bakita, what are you up to at the moment?

I am currently a National Management Trainee, working at Royal Greenwich. This Local Government Association Grad Scheme enables NMTs to gain experience of local government at a managerial level through practical working within a Local Authority, and gain theoretical knowledge through a Post Grad in Strategic Leadership.

Tell us about your career path since leaving Christ the King

In 2008 I enrolled on an economics course at the University of Surrey, but realising that it was not the right choice, I changed my course the following year to English Literature with Creative Writing.

It was definitely the right choice for me. After changing my course, everything seemed to fall into place at uni: I joined the student newspaper and a couple more societies and really enjoyed my time at Surrey – so much so that I decided to stay for an extra year!

What have been the most exciting or rewarding moments of your career so far?

The different campaigns I have organised, in my voluntary and paid roles, whilst at the University of Surrey Students. From mental health campaigns, to cancer campaigns, to sexual health and drug awareness.

Through those campaigns, I was exposed to different UK charities, I got to meet more Surrey students that I wouldn’t have done otherwise, and I was even asked to appear on SKY TV! It’s been great to have an opportunity to actually make a positive contribution to my immediate environment.

What professional achievement are you most proud of?

Creating the ‘Paint Campus Red’ campaign at the University of Surrey. HIV awareness is something that is extremely close to my heart, and very important. To be able to create a campaign that not only raised more than £2k for the Children’s HIV Association, but also informed more Surrey students about the myths and facts related to HIV is something that I am very proud of.

What has been the greatest challenge you have faced during your career?

Definitely public speaking. I had managed to avoid public speaking for many years, but it wasn’t possible as VP Welfare. Once I conquered that fear, it opened up opportunities in my personal life as well- mainly in regards to performing my spoken word pieces in public!

How did your time at Christ the King Sixth Form College influence your career path?

The support from CTK teachers, remained throughout my time at CTK, they really took the time to get to know me, provided extra tuition support and great advice.

Realising way before I did, many of my teachers even told me to study English Literature (which I ended up doing). The support I received from teachers, and the fond memories I made with my friends is one of the reasons why I feel comfortable coming back to CTK to talk to students, as a former student.

If you could give your fellow alumni any advice for either their professional paths or general words of wisdom, what would they be?

Having a Plan B doesn’t mean you’re not committed to Plan A. Make sure you explore all your options and take advice from people who are experienced, just make sure your future plans are well thought out and right for you.