Alumnus and author Crystal Debrah helping students prepare for uni

For many Christ the King Sixth Form College students, finishing their studies and going to university is one of the most exciting times of their lives.

The joy of seeing all that hard work pay off when A-Levels are completed, the excitement of landing a place at university, the (often scary) thrill of the first day in halls… it all adds up to an unforgettable experience!

For one CTK alumnus, making the step up to university initially looked like being too much of a challenge. After graduating from Christ the King in 2006, Crystal Debrah went off to the University of London to study law.

But it wasn’t plain sailing for Crystal; she struggled with university life and ended up only just scraping through her first year. But rather than give up, she sought advice from friends, lecturers and anybody else she could find.

But she didn’t stop there. She turned that advice into a book, to help other prospective undergraduates prepare for the life-changing experience that is university.

What They Don’t Tell You about University is available now and has already helped and informed countless students and parents on what to expect.

“Getting started was the most challenging part,” says Crystal. “There was so much to think about – publishing, marketing, finding support.”

But she persevered and eventually got her book published – no mean feat for such a young author, especially one who was still studying for a law degree at the time.

“The most rewarding part has been getting positive testimonials from the beneficiaries of the book, workshops and events,” she says.

“It’s great to know that people are finding the information provided beneficial for an important stage in their lives – university.”

As well as being training to become a qualified, Crystal is currently working on her next book and says her time at Christ the King helped her immeasurably.

She says: “I was always encouraged to do my best and dream big at Christ the King. Do I have any words of advice for fellow alumni? Be friendly to everyone, you never know who you’ll need in the future.”