Top tips for your first day in a new job

When starting a new job, first impressions are vital. It can feel like a lot of pressure to hit the ground running, impress your new colleagues, and set the tone for your time at the company. Luckily, we’ve compiled these tips to make things easier for you.

Dress the part

This might seem obvious, but it’s important to dress right on your first day at a new job. You should arrive to your first day of work well-groomed and dressed appropriately for the company dress code. It could even benefit you to go a little smarter in the beginning. One way to find out what the dress code is at a new company is to look at what the people who interviewed you are wearing or any other people you saw around the workplace.

Arrive early

Just don’t arrive too early – you don’t want to surprise your manager or the HR team and cause them any stress. Being there fifteen minutes before your official start time is perfect, making you look reliable and eager to get to work.

Focus on getting to know people and dynamics

You’re not going to solve all the company’s problems on the first day. So instead, focus on getting to know the team you’ll be working with, making connections, finding out what makes people tick and observing any unspoken social rules and office politics that would benefit you to be familiar with when you want to get things done later.

Prepare your elevator pitch

On your first day at a new job, you’ll find yourself being introduced to many people. You will want to make a great first impression on them all and show them what you’re all about; so perhaps prepare a few lines that summarise what you want to get across, such as who you are, where you’ve worked before and what your new role is. You may find yourself being asked about yourself many times throughout the day, so preparing will make it much easier for you.

Accept social invites

If you get invited to lunch or after-work drinks, go! Even if you’re tired, go along for a short time and get to know your colleagues. It will not only help ensure you get invited to future events, but it’s also an opportunity to get to know more about the office politics and working relationships.


Research anything about the company or industry you may need to know before starting work. You should also brush up on any skills you mentioned on your CV during the interview process that may now be a little rusty.

Be flexible

You’re starting at a new company and need to adapt to different ways of working, new systems for decision-making, sign-off procedures, power dynamics, and the protocol for raising issues, starting discussions, raising new ideas and many more. So, remember to be flexible in your thinking, and if it all starts feeling a little overwhelming, take heart from the fact that all the strange and unfamiliar ways of working will soon be second nature!