Need some career inspiration? Take these credible career quizzes 

If you’re not sure what you want to do for a career, taking a career quiz can be a great way to get some inspiration. Although no test can tell you exactly what you should be doing with your life, they can be a fun way to get some pointers in the right direction based on your personality and skills.

16 Personalities

16 Personalities is a free test that claims to be able to accurately place you into one of 16 different personality types which can then predict how you are likely to behave. The test aims to find out where you lie on a scale between introverted and extroverted, observant and intuitive, thinking and feeling, judging and prospecting and assertive and turbulent. It then assigns you a personality type with very accurate insights into your strengths and weaknesses, how you deal with emotions, relationships, friendships and most importantly, career paths and workplace habits. The results give you an overview of the way you think, why you behave the way you do, what kind of careers suit your personality and what kinds you’ll find most frustrating. There’s also a great section on how you work best under management and within teams.

123 Career Test

This a simple and enjoyable test that helps you work out what job you would enjoy doing day-to-day. The test asks you to look at pictures of people doing tasks, and you have to say whether you can see yourself doing that task at work or not. The results include an overview of the kind of work environment you would most enjoy being in, as well as the type of roles that would suit your way of thinking.

What career is right for me?

This free quiz asks you to assess your own skills, interests, work styles and values from low to high to determine which career path is right for you. Not only are the results based on how competent you think you are at skills like logical thinking, interacting with others, working with tools, strength and communication, but the test takes into consideration your personal interests in things like art, law, construction, economics, food and a number of different areas. The test is useful if you already know yourself quite well, whereas if you’re unsure what your own strengths and values are, you’re better off taking an assessment like 16 personalities, which uses more scenario-based questions. Results are sorted into career areas and you can explore individual job titles further.

The Princeton Review

This career quiz is best if you want to think for yourself about the kind of job you want to do, rather than answering lots of questions and having the test results make that judgement for you. You may be wondering what use the quiz is at all if you have to do all the thinking, but the way the quiz guides you through those choices is really simple and effective. It asks you questions like ‘would you rather be a lawyer of a newspaper editor,’ then assigns you a colour, before suggesting a variety of potential careers you’re suited to.!q21thru24

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