How your testimonial can directly help a student

Filling out our short testimonial form is one of the quickest and easiest ways you can make an impact on our current and future students.

Why? Because it shows the impact our courses can have using a real-life example, and can inspire someone to sign-up to a course, make a change, and go on to achieve their ambitions.

So why wouldn’t you?

Our short testimonial form is designed to quickly and simply gather the following information from you:

What you thought about your college course and how you found college life in general
What you are doing now, a brief history of your career and how college helped you get there
Your plans for the future and any words of wisdom you can share with your fellow alumni.

We then edit your answers into an inspirational article like this one and share it with our past, present and prospective students.

What have you been up to since leaving college? Wherever you are, whatever you’re currently up to, we want to hear about it!

If you’re worried that your story isn’t inspirational enough, or your experiences won’t help even one student, you’re wrong.

The fact that you have stood in the shoes of our current students and come out the other side with a qualification under your belt, and then gone on to employment means you have the experience needed to inspire our current students.

Our current students – and fellow alumni – can really benefit from hearing from someone who was once in their exact position. We’re looking for relatable stories that prove that they’ve got nothing to be afraid of and their future ambitions really are possible to achieve on a real and practical level.

Here are just some of the recent student stories we have been able to share, thanks to responses to our testimonial form:

Yvonne Igunma: Former student qualifies as a Doctor
Martha Da Costa-Sherwood: Ambitious A Level student turned Director of her own company
Avision Ho: Former Mathematics student is a Data Scientist for the government
Laura Burn: Highlights and challenges of university life from a former student

Want to directly help one of our students? Fill out our 5-minute testimonial form now.