How to market your e-book

We’ve already shown you how to make a profit from self-publishing your e-book on platforms like Kindle, and explained the process of devising and writing a non-fiction e-book in just a few weeks.

However, if you want to make a viable income from self-publishing, or if you want to be one of the many self-publishers who make enough money to supplement their existing income by sharing their industry knowledge and connecting with the right people, you need a marketing plan.

This guide takes you through the process of creating a marketing plan that is easy to implement and doesn’t cost a lot of money – it’s even possible to sell your e-book without spending any money at all. If you put the work in, perhaps you could even be the next Christ the King Sixth Form College alumnus to hit the bestseller list.

Plan ahead

The process of marketing your e-book should start long before you’re ready to publish. Your marketing plan will act as a calendar counting down to the launch of your e-book, and should consist of several of the following marketing activities.

Create a website with a powerful landing page

There are lots of website builders, such as or, with easy-to-use templates which you can use to create and author website. Your website should contain:

Your author biography
Links to your books
Your blog
Reviews of your books
Links to your social media profiles
An call-to-action to sign up to your email newsletter

You should then create a landing page for your book within your author website. Landing pages are essential for grabbing your readers’ attention and boosting your e-book sales. Powerful e-book landing pages should have some or all of the following elements:

An enticing book cover
An attention-grabbing headline and blurb
A captivating excerpt from your book
Your launch date
An immediate call to action, such as signing up to your email newsletter or a ‘pre-order now’ button.
Endorsements or reviews

Set up your social media pages

You can use social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to promote yourself as an author and galvanise interest in your e-book.

Here are a few suggestions for content you can share. All of your posts should include a link back to your landing page.

Publish the introductory few paragraphs of your book as an article on LinkedIn to draw readers in
Share a video of yourself talking about a topic from your book
Post snippets from your book on Twitter
Join online discussions related to your subject or industry and establish yourself as a source of knowledge
Host a competition on Facebook, with free copies of your book as prizes
Create a discussion group on LinkedIn for your readers
Post updates about your launch date
Share reader reviews
Use Facebook Ads to promote your e-book

Promote your e-book with Facebook Advertisements

Using Facebook Ads means you can promote your e-book to specific audiences who are likely to be most interested in your subject matter. It’s easy to create eye-catching adverts, videos and images and select the audience you want to target, based on their demographic or online behaviour and direct them to your landing page.

Blogging to market your e-book

Writing a blog is an extremely useful tool when it comes to building a loyal readership and asserting yourself as an expert in your subject. If you already have a blog you should be using every opportunity to promote your e-book to your existing followers. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

Create a pop-up window with an advert for your e-book, which will open a soon as a visitor arrives at your blog page
Publish an extract of your book on your blog to attract attention to your e-book
Before you even start your e-book, ask your blog followers to answer a survey on what kind of e-book they would like you to write

If you don’t already have a blog, it’s probably important to start one as soon as possible. The niche subject and target audience for your blog should be the same as that of your e-book, so read our guide to defining these here. Now all you have to do is post regular, original, unique and interesting content in order to attract your readers. You can read a more detailed guide to writing a blog, here.

How to get Amazon to promote your e-book

It’s possible to get Amazon to do some of the hard work for you. If you make your e-book exclusive to the Kindle Store, and enrol your e-book in the KDP Select program via the Amazon website, it will become available in Kindle Unlimited and the Kindle Owners’ Lending Library, which increases your likelihood of hitting the book charts and getting read. You will get access to extra promotional tools such as countdown deals, or the Free Book Promotion, which promotes free copies of your book worldwide for a limited time.

Use email marketing

One tactic you could use is to collect email addresses via your landing page, blog or Facebook Ads by creating a call-to-action. This can be as simple as asking people to ‘sign-up to receive updates about my upcoming book’ or ‘sign-up to receive a free chapter,’ or ‘sign-up to listen to a podcast of me discussing my book.’ Once you have a list of email addresses, you can use them to send emails directly promoting your upcoming book launch.

How to apply for book awards

Another way to get attention for your e-book is to enter it in as many competitions and awards as you can, such as the Global eBook Awards or the Kindle Book Awards. You can find a list of awards here.

How to get reviews before your launch date

Finally, an effective way of creating a buzz around your e-book is to get people to review your book online before and after your launch date. You can send free copies of your e-book to prominent book bloggers, or people who have already reviewed similar books to yours on Amazon in the hope that they will agree to write you a good review. You can also ask your emailing list, social media followers and blog followers, perhaps offering them an incentive.

The important thing to note is that it’s not enough to just write your e-book – sometimes the best-written books don’t do as well because they haven’t been promoted effectively. If you put time into your marketing strategy, you’re more likely to make a profit or even reach that bestseller list.

Read the other articles in this series:

You could make money from self-publishing an e-book
How to write a non-fiction e-book