How testimonials inspire our current students to succeed

Want to make an impact on the education and careers of our current or future students? Providing a testimonial is one of the quickest and easiest ways to do just that.

Think about what you wish someone had told you when you were at Christ the King Sixth Form College. What pearls of wisdom would have pushed you to work harder? What do you wish you had known about your current career when you were first starting out?

Our testimonial forms are designed to inspire our current and future students, and even our former students, by providing them with real-life examples of people who have walked in their shoes. That means we are keen to hear from anyone who has taken a course and gone on to find success in whatever form that may have taken in their chosen career.

Testimonials show the impact our courses have and can inspire someone to sign-up to a course, make a change, and go on to achieve their ambitions.

Still need convincing?

Our testimonial forms take just 5-10 minutes and asks you simple questions, such as:

What you thought of your college course
How you found college life in general
What you are doing now
Your career so far and your plans for the future

We then craft your answers into an inspirational article to share on our blog.

And if you think your story isn’t interesting or inspiring enough to share on our website, think again.

We need our testimonial articles to be, first and foremost, relatable. If you’ve left college with a qualification in a course someone is currently taking and have gone onto find employment, imagine how reassuring our current students will find that story? If you have any advice to offer about getting their first job, studying for exams, finishing coursework on time or applying for University, that’s invaluable information for our current and prospective students.

Ready to get started? Take our testimonial form, here.

Or read some of our most recent testimonial articles for some inspiration of your own, here.