Could your own podcast boost your career or business?

In the past, people looking to build their profile might aim to get on TV or radio. They still do, of course, but there’s a growing range of options to get a message out there with digital technology, such as podcasts.


It’s no secret that these audio shows – delivered weekly or even daily to subscribers’ phones and other devices, usually for free – are already wildly popular, covering every niche interest from politics to technology to business.


Starting your own to share expertise and build your industry profile doesn’t require much special equipment: you can get started with a laptop, an inexpensive USB microphone and some free software.


Alternatively, you may want to try to get interviewed as a guest on a popular podcast in your field. Either way, you’ll be tapping into a format with a significant and growing following.



It’s a fast-growing medium


In the UK, nearly one in five people currently say they listen to a podcast at least once a month. That figure is even higher elsewhere in the world and it’s growing fast: the podcast audience in the US doubled last year – over half of the entire population have now listened to a podcast.


So recording a podcast can be a great way to reach a large potential audience without costing you the earth.



You can make real connections


Why choose podcasting over blogging or social media? The bestselling author Malcolm Gladwell was asked a similar question – why did he switch to audio after a hugely successful career as a writer?


His answer was that there’s much more intimacy and connection with the audience when they hear your voice. “People think with their eyes, but feel with their ears,” Gladwell says. And that makes all the difference when you’re trying to build business relationships – whether you’re hoping to make sales or secure your next job.


It can boost your credibility

 Whether you’re interviewing other experts in your field or offering your wisdom to the hosts of another podcast, your audience will associate you with insight and knowledge in your field. That builds trust in you and your business.

 “With a podcast, you’re sharing knowledge and expertise with an audience, and that alone helps you gain priceless authority and credibility,” says John Lee Dumas, founder and host of EOFire, a podcast about entrepreneurs.


You can develop skills as a speaker

 Being a great communicator is one of the most important skills for moving on in your career. So the experience you’ll gain from speaking to your audience and interviewing guests could be invaluable.


“Improving your speaking skills is an often-overlooked opportunity. Especially if you’re interviewing guests live, you’ll quickly learn how to come up with questions and responses on the fly. You’ll also gain a better understanding of how you sound on recordings and how to up your game,” says Thursday Bram, co-founder of Hyper Modern Consulting