A beginner’s guide to writing a business plan

If you’re thinking about starting a business, writing a plan is an essential step to take. You can think of a business plan as a GPS for your new venture. It’s like a handy, detailed map that helps you know where you’re going and how to get there. The plan outlines what your business is all about, what it aims to achieve (goals), and the steps you’re planning to take (strategies) to reach those goals. It includes info like what products or services you’re offering, who your customers are, how you plan to make money, and what your expenses will look like.

Why should I write one?

Whether you’re starting a new business or growing an existing one, a business plan is your best friend—it helps guide your decisions and keeps you focused on your path to success. Here are the main reasons why writing a business plan is a smart move, especially if you’re new to the world of business:

Getting Clear on Your Idea and Goals: Imagine your business plan as a roadmap that helps you figure out exactly what your business is all about (helping you clarify and evaluate your ideas) and where you want it to go. It’s like planning a trip – you need to know your destination and how you’ll get there.
Planning Your Moves: Think of your business plan as your playbook. It helps you study the competition, understand what people want, and come up with smart ways to stand out. With this knowledge, you can make smart moves that give your business a better chance of succeeding.
Getting Support from Others: Sometimes, you’ll need help to get your business off the ground. Maybe you’ll need money from investors or a loan from a bank. A well-prepared business plan can show them that you’ve thought things through and have a solid proposal, making them more likely to support you.
Making Things Run Smoothly: Just like a recipe helps you cook a great meal, a business plan helps you run your business smoothly. It lays out how you’ll do things, who’s responsible for what, and what steps to take if things get tough.
Being Ready for Bumps in the Road: Every business faces challenges, kind of like potholes on a road trip. A business plan helps you spot those challenges early. When you know what could go wrong, you can come up with backup plans so you’re ready to handle them.

In simple terms, a business plan is your secret weapon for understanding your business, convincing others to support you, making things work well, and being ready for whatever comes your way. It might seem a bit tricky at first, but it’s a super helpful tool for any business.

What should I include?

Here’s a beginner-friendly breakdown of the sections you should include in a small business plan:

Quick Snapshot (Executive Summary): This is like a sneak peek of your business plan. It gives a short intro to your business idea, what makes it special, and what you’re aiming to achieve.
Tell Your Story (Business Description): Think of this as your chance to tell the story of your business. Explain what you’re planning to sell and how it solves a problem for people.
Who’s Out There? (Market Analysis): Imagine you’re getting to know your customers and competitors. You’ll want to figure out who your customers are, what they like, and what other businesses are doing.
Getting the Word Out (Marketing and Sales Strategies): Here, you can jot down how you’ll let people know about your business and convince them to buy from you. It’s like planning how to make new friends for your business!
Who Does What? (Organization and Management): Just like a team in a game, your business needs people to play different roles. Write down who’s doing what in your business and who’s leading the charge.
Show Off Your Stuff (Product or Service Line): This is where you describe what you’re selling. Whether it’s a product or service, explain what it does and why people should want it.
Money Matters (Funding Request): If you need money to start or grow your business, this is where you talk about how much you need and what you’ll do with it. It’s like asking for a bit of help to get things going.
Let’s Talk Numbers (Financial Projections): Time to look into the future a bit. Write down how much money you expect to make and spend. It helps you see if your business idea can make money.
Extra Info Zone (Appendix): This is like a bonus section. You can put any extra stuff here, like pictures of your products, research you’ve done, or important documents.

Remember, it’s okay if this all feels a bit new. Just take it step by step, and you’ll have a clear plan for your business in no time.

For more information, Gov.uk has shared a detailed guide on writing a business plan, which includes a great template and example business plan to get you started.