Interview Techniques

So your CV has landed you an interview for your perfect job. But what’s next?

Interviews can be a difficult step for many people, so here are just a few tips to help you prepare!

1. Get yourself into “interview mode”

  • Being yourself is important, but knowing which mode of yourself to use in certain situations is even more important. Having an interview mode is essential.
  • Start by thinking about positive describing words and how can you match these in your actions.
  • Then, think about someone that you see as confident and try to learn from them…
    • Why are they confident? Is it the way they dress, their body language?
    • Why are they well spoken? It could be because of their choice of language, or the actual volume and projection of their voice
    • How do they seem to know what they’re talking about? Have they researched the subject well, do they have examples to back up their story?

2. Research, and then research some more!

  • To show you are knowledgeable you must do your research; there is no way you can show what you can offer if you don’t understand the job or the company you are being interviewed for.
  • Don’t just look at the company website – research their competitors, their social media sites, who they follow, upcoming events and everything in between!
  • Having this knowledge will show that you are driven and up to date with the company’s current activity, but also give you something to have a discussion about with the interviewer.

3. Find out who you will be talking to

  • Giving the company’s HR department a call before the interview will not only prepare you, but will show to the employer you are switched on and interested in the position.
  • In addition, knowing who will be interviewing you can prepare you enormously. Check their LinkedIn or company profile page to help you decipher their position of seniority. You can then tailor you language and questions beforehand.

4. Give examples of your skills!

  • When answering a question make sure you give examples of where you have demonstrated a particular skill. For example: Team leading, project management, report writing and so on.
  • Let the interviewer know you have two examples, give a summary of what they are and ask which they would prefer to hear.
  • This shows you have experience, but also allows you to see which topics the interviewer may be more interested in, giving you focus for the rest of your interview.

5. Let your body language do the talking too!

  • Making an impact is important, and body language is one of the most effective ways of making either a positive impact – or a negative one.
  • Always look attentive!
  • Be aware of what you are bringing into the room and the personal impact you have on the interviewer – make a connection and relax with them.
  • Use your body to back up the point; hand gestures can show confidence and assurance in what you’re saying.